“But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.

After being caught with his hand in the proverbial “cookie jar,” the guilty man at the center of the story does the only thing he can do: beg for mercy. The amount he had swindled, adjusted for inflation, is nearly $10,000,000 today. No small chunk of change.

Faced with imprisonment and the loss of everything he held dear the man fell with his face to the ground seeking mercy. His request was merely for more time– for a second chance– another opportunity to take care of his debt. The opportunity to right his wrong.

The master knew better; this man would never have the means to repay what he owed. Any attempt at regaining his losses would prove unfruitful. This man was destined to a life of hard service and deprivation.

But, his cries for mercy made an impression.

Knowing the man was powerless to change his circumstance, the king extends mercy. Refusing to show partial mercy by giving an extension- the king shares absolute mercy.

He extends a full pardon.

The debt is paid.

The man received that which he could have never earned.The man has received more than he asked for.

This story paints a beautiful picture of how God looks upon and interacts with people in our world. We will never have the means to repay our debt.

He is always waiting to give more than we can provide on our own; and more than we even have the nerve to ask for.

God yearns to extend mercy into your life. He doesn’t want to fix a single problem which will reappear at a later date. He wants to solve your biggest problem by paying your largest debt.

Don’t miss out.

Much Grace, SAM