So each generation should set its hope anew on God, not forgetting his glorious miracles 

and obeying his commands. Psalm 78:7 (NLT)

Christians like to tell people what to do. And we do so with strong confidence and conviction. And why shouldn’t we? The Bible is chalk full of God’s desires, expectations, and requests. He makes it clear that if we love him, we will obey him (See here). Loving God has such immense benefits there is little reason why anyone should forgo this incredible opportunity.

But I’m curious- could we be missing something?

Let me be clear. I do not disagree with Jesus. I fully believe that our love for Jesus is proven genuine in our obedience to him.

But is urging others to behave honestly the most important thing we should be passing along?

In the verse quoted above, you will notice the last few words mention this idea of obedience that I’ve been describing. But look at the two verse above this prophetic pledge of obedience.

“Set its hope anew on God.” 

If you read this verse in context (here), you will see it comes in the midst of a charge for the people of God to rightly bring their children up in the knowledge of the LORD. They must do everything possible to ensure they know who he is and what he expects. Each generation, after being trained and taught in the character and ways of God must choose to place its faith, in finding its hope, in God. The discoveries and commitments of previous generations don’t count.

The line after this is what has me thinking today:

“Not forgetting his marvelous miracles.”

Passing along knowledge of what couldn’t be done wasn’t enough.

The next generation needed to know the story of God.

Who He Is.
What He had done/is doing/promises to do for the world.

For them.

They needed to hear about the reality of his power. 

They needed to hear about the sureness of his faithfulness.

They needed to hear about the endlessness of his love. 

When they knew these things, when they knew Him, then they could obey him.

May we refuse to settle for obedience to a God whom we don’t know.

May we refuse to demand it of others.

Much Grace- SAM


All I Once Held Dear

All I once held dear
Built my life upon
All this world reverses
And wants to own
All I once thought gain
I have counted loss
Spent and worthless now
Compared to this

Knowing You Jesus, knowing You
There is no greater thing
You’re my all You’re the best
You’re my joy my righteousness
And I love You Lord

Now my heart’s desire
Is to know You more
To be found in You
And known as Yours
To possess by faith
What I could not earn
All surpassing gift of righteousness

Knowing You Jesus, knowing You
There is no greater thing
You’re my all You’re the best
You’re my joy my righteousness
And I love You Lord

Written by: Graham Kendrick
Copyright: 1993 Make Way Music